
Friday, 31 May 2024

Rebels and Patriots French Indian War

James fancied a change from his work on Midgard so we decided to have a look at a ruleset for his next project - the Tlingit fighting Russians in the early C19th.
We played a game a few years ago using Muskets and Tomahawks which was jolly, but because of the way the cards work in M&T didn't quite feel right for the type of game James was looking for.
WE toyed with using TMWWBK as that covers the asymmetric nature of tribal warriors against black powder but then decided to take a look at another from the Dan Mersey stable - Rebels and Patriots as that's designed for this period and location (C18/19 in North America).
I've got a table and hills and forest a-plenty and James has almost all the models we needed for a French Indian War game. Almost all the models are from James' collection - mainly Galloping Major with a few Redoubt. The village is a set James picked up from the Bring and Buy at Hammerhead a few years ago and is a resin set. Lovely and characterful.

James took the perfidious French commanded by Lt Roquefort - clearly a "big cheese" as James rolled a Heroic Leader trait for him making him even better at commanding his men, but a bit more vulnerable to being killed. I took command of the more sober sided Lt. Wensleydale who's trait meant extra ammo for his men, giving his unit a re-roll when shooting.
The scenario is one from the rulebook and involved the two sides meeting to try and convert a local tribe to join the cause before the other side was able to do the same.

To the sound of fife and drum the British columns advanced toward the village, keen to emphasise the values and benefits of joining their benevolent Empire.

Local militia men and some well trained Rangers protected the flanks.

Meanwhile devilry was afoot as the French attempted to thwart the peaceful British mission.

Hearing the sound of marching from both sides of the village, the warriors grabbed their wargear.

They weren't going to give up their drying salmon without a fight.

On came the French. 

Still the warriors waited.

Canadien sharpshooters struck out on a flank.

French native allies began to sweep around the other.

The British columns drew closer to the village.

Their redcoats clearly marking them out.

An eagle eye view of the unfolding action.

And from the other side.

The Canadiens, taking advantage of their sharpshooting skills were the first to give fire.

Roquefort, leading light infantry, was able to steal a march on the British and get close enough to engage the Natives in parlay. With his shiny collection of medals and oozing French je-ne-sais-quoi the outcome was never in doubt and the village declared for Le Roi!

On the flanks the French advance continued.

British rangers and militia stalled.

However another group of rangers huddled behind one of the village huts and fired on French allies.

The British, thwarted in their attempts to win native allies by peaceful methods, resorted to type and began blazing away.

The Rangers gave ground but continued to fire.

In the village the natives, convinced by Roquefort's silver tongue, began to shoot at the British.

Who's militia returned fire.

Caught in the crossfire the natives were driven back and Roquefort was forced to deploy himself into the village.

The redcoats kept up the fusillade of fire.

The Rangers had been driven back into the woods but rallied to continue to threaten the advancing French allies.

More of the French moved up, but the British militia gave a good account of themselves, protected by rocky outcrops.

More French allies however were threatening their flank.

Seeing his chance Ned "Red" Lester, commanding the second British column, ordered his lads to fix bayonets and charge.

the fight was bloody and unforgiving.

Amongst if Roquefort, leading from the front, was struck through the chest and died an heroic death.

Taking advantage the British militia took tentative steps into the village.

The Compagnie Franche rallied from the shock of losing their beloved commander but could only look on.

The British meanwhile took on their traditional role of demonstrating to native inhabitants the consequences of not accepting their benevolent approaches.

The Canadiens had surmounted a hill, however a lack of targets and some damp powder prevented them from influencing the outcome.

Wensleydale meanwhile had his men defend the flank with powerful volleys of fire.

A brief appearance of natives to the rear meant he was forced to about face and drive them off.

In the village, Lestersmen had formed close order and prepared to repel the counterattacking French.

As the light fell, the village was in British hands, Rquefort was no more and the French will had been broken

Victory for the forces of Britannia! Hurrah!
Ever the gentleman Wensleydale returned the broken body of Roquefort to the French, who promoted him to Colonel, before sticking him in the ground.

This was great fun. R&P played well with enough similarities to other Merseygames to make it fairly easy to get on with but enough "wrinkles" to give a different feel. James certainly seems to think it'll work well for the Tlingit project.

I really enjoyed it and it's got me eyeing the leadpile, where i think a few more Compagnie Franche and even French regukars may be lurking.

Thursday, 30 May 2024

Kallistra Escarpments

I bought one set of these a few years ago from Kallistra for use in my NWF games - so far only one of the hills has been finished. Then Scrivs gifted me a second set when he returned stateside (I think they'd been on holiday to the US once and he didn't want to take them back again needlessly). After Wormaster it occurred to me that they'd be great for my Naggarond/Northern Old World terrain so I set to painting them up for just such a thing (and they'll also work for any other games on my grassy mats).

Medium hill on the right, small one on the left - the set also includes a large version but that's still awaiting sealing. They're made from thick plastic and at £10 for three they're a bargain.

This is the medium sized hill.

And this the small one.

With 28mm Pict for scale.

Simple sand, paint with tester pots and static grass approach. I broke up the grass on the larger one with some coarse turf. Getting the sand to stick and trying to seal it with PVA was a pain in the posterior but got there in the end.

Wednesday, 29 May 2024

Saxon casualties

Set of resin models from 1st Corps- bought them ages ago and recently decided to paint them as I thought they could be useful as Midgard stamina markers.

I know casualty figures aren't everyone's cup of tea but these are simple and effective and lovely sculpts.