
Saturday, 9 March 2024

Lord of the Rings Campaign - Treachery of Sméagol and Shelob's lair

To General Ballroom's once more for more Lord of the Rings MESBG. We started with Treachery of Sméagol another of the abstract playing card type games. Gollim and Sam start at opposite ends of a path of playing cards and whomever gets to Frodo first wins!

As you can se the game is a truly visual splendour.

Anyway it was actually quite fun and tense. Over quite quickly so we played a few times. Evil won overall.

With that out of the way it was on to Shelob's Lair. Gen. B had tracked down a Shelob model and then struggled putting the thing together. However the end results were quite jolly.

Then beasty started on the board edge

And soon scuttled over to the Ringbearer! 

Frodo promptly stabbed the spider, I failed the courage test and Shelob fled. Game over.

So we reset and had another go.

This time Shelob once more closed on the Ringbearer!

She bit down on Frodo and killed him. Game over.

Two games played in about fifteen minutes flat. Neither terribly satisfying.

So we went for a third time - however we gave all the Hobbits and Gollum their full stats (rather than the reduced ones they had as a result of the campaign).

This went much better and was a lot more tense with some actual to-and fro. In the end a narrow victory for the Spider.

What we learned was that the campaign mechanics can seriously unbalance scenarios. This one worked well (and could have gone either way) with full stats, but should have been an easy victory for Shelob against the weakened Hobbits - only a por dice roll on my part gave victory in the first game.

Anyway, on to the next scenario now as we get closer to the end of the campaign.


  1. What a terrifying sight and I don't mean the Hobbits. It's interesting how campaign changes affect the balance of a scenario. I'm playing a series where the heroes are perhaps getting too strong for a good game and so may need to adjust things soon.
    Meanwhile I have just begun rereading The Lord of the Rings. I have read it in each house I've lived in [work has led to quite a number of moves]. Finally in retirement I don't expect to move again so I am repeating the tradition and began to read chapter one on my birthday. Your post has encouraged that tradition.

    1. That sounds like a wonderful tradition.

  2. Interesting game, I have never played this type of game before,so it was an interesting read. The Shelob miniature is a cracker, very nice indeed.

    1. It's a lovely paintjob by General B. but he did say it was a horrible pig of a kit to assemble (and fragile)
