
Saturday, 20 January 2024

Warmaster Revolution - Daemons v. Empire 1500 points

I started getting a few units of Daemons when they were released which must be at least fifteen years ago. I painted a few up and used them as alternate models in my Chaos Warriors force. But that was long, long ago. Over recent years I've slowly painted up a few more units until I now have at least 1500 points. So I asked Matt if he fancied a game, and he did! I gave him the choice of forces (I have Dark Elves, Chaos Warriors and Empire at 1500 points) and he picked the men.

I set up a basic table and we went for a stand up fight.

I only had two characters a sorcerer and I'd upgraded the general to be a sorcerer too.

My regular sorcerer commanded the cavalry and the Greater daemon on the flank

The general was ready to command the two brigades of Daemon Hordes in the centre, flanked by the Monstrous Cavalry

The Empire pushed up into the hay field

Big block of cavalry in reserve.

Still more state troops

The cavalry also pushed forward

Chaos pushed up on both flanks

While the hordes held the centre

Gerhard Rattenner the Gold Wizard lined up for a fireball, but his wand turned out to be one of those comedy ones that droop.

The Khorne hounds and the greater Daemon caught the pistoliers napping.

White Wolves launched themselves at the monstrous Chaos beasts

Only to discover they were quite tough.

The hounds and Greater Daemon fell back, one unit of pistoliers destroyed.

It all kicked off in the centre as the Beasts were joined by the Tzeentch and Slaanesh hordes

The hot headed White Wolves were wiped out.

Shooting and spells kept the Daemonic left flank in a state of disarray.

Much to the annoyance of the sorcerer

Still. the harvest was in good hands.

The Knights took on the Chaos centre once again.

The Daemonic cavalry kept losing a stand only for the sorcerer to bring it back.

Tired of watching the other powers fail to spill mortal blood Khorne's horde made their presence felt (with a little help from the flyers).

The Daemonettes sneaked toward the field.

And finally launched an attack

Determined to win out the Chaos general hurled himself (rather rashly) into the fight.

But it was enough, the knights were destroyed and the field belonged to the four powers!

That was very jolly. Matt discovered that the Empire army is quite tricky to use - it's a bit of a "jack of all trades, master of none".The Daemons felt like a slightly more brittle and hard to control Chaos force - it's nice when you can bring a stand back, flipping irritating when instability makes you confused just as you were about to charge.
Lovely to finally get them on the table though.


  1. Warmaster is one of the best rules systems out there. We still use it to include Warmaster Ancients and The Battle of Five Armies.

    1. It is a great system and the Revolution rules have tidied things up a lot.
      There are a few "gamey" things about WM and some of the mechanics feel a bit dated, but I love the scale and sweep it gives. The battles are much more like the ones described in the Warhammer background than the quite small ones you actually play in WFB.
