
Sunday, 12 November 2023


 After the success of Pictober it's time to try and resuscitate Kislevember.

These have taken ages to do. mostly because they're not very good models and I couldn't work up the enthusiasm. They're Fireforge plastic Russian's that I'm planning to use as part of a Kislev force for Warhammer.

Not sure about stats or points - They're kind of a Greatsword type unit, but with only light armour and halberds I guess. I'd sort of like to give them shields as otherwise they'll never get in to combat. 

1 comment:

  1. I'd say they look pretty good, and fit the Kislev vibe. I reckon you could count that as heavy armour. If GW could count the plastic great swords as Full Plate, despite looking pretty much like the light armour on state troops, I reckon you could justify it.
