
Monday, 28 August 2023

Warhammer 8th Edition Chaos v Dwarfs 2400pts

Kenton bought his very nice Chaos army over for another 2400 pointer. We diced and ended up playing Blood and Glory (the one when you need to get flags and kill generals to win).

I took the Dwarfs, even though i think they're pretty filthy and broken in 8th edition.

I rather "castled up" in one corner, hoping the river would turn out to be fatal to Chaos. I'd taken quite a lot of firepower.

The Chaos forces meanwhile deployed as far forward as they could.

Pretty soon they'd dipped their toes in the raging torrent and discovered it was Necrotic Ooze.

The much vaunted Dwarf gunline was something of a damp squib.

 The brave Clan Groznog Warriors launched themselves at the Daemon Prince.

Who gleefully set about them.

But they hung on, stubbornly.

The Juggers picked on some Quarrellers.

And the Nurgle Warriors went after the Thunderers.

The Slayers took on the Dragon Ogres - this in theory should have been an ideal match up for them. But in fact they just died. Slowly but inevitably.

All along the line the Dwarfs were fighting.

The Ironbreakers finally joined in.

Still slowly being whittled away.

The Daemon Prince, his Warrior snack finished, headed for the middle.

The Ironbreakers were holding the flank and murdering much of the Warrior centre.

The Chaos Chariot ploughed into the Longbeards, but I was confident they'd hold - and then chop if to kindling.

The Ironbreakers continued murdering the Chaos forces fed to them.

And then it all went wrong! A purple sun wiped out half the Ironbreakers including the Lord. In the meantime the Chariot beat the Longbeards who, without their Lord's leadership broke and were run down!

Victory to the forces of Nurgle.

A see-saw game. I was in good position until the Purple Sun went off with Total Power. The effects were devastating! But then the Ironbreaker unit with General and Standard Bearer is something of a "Deathstar" and spells like Purple Sun are designed to counter deathstars, so "live by the sword..." and all that.

Kenton and I are now planning a campaign using different armies in an escalation style.

Join us next month to see how we get on...

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