
Friday, 2 June 2023

Wormaster - Warmaster Tournament Game Two

 And so to game two

As a result of snagging quite a few VPs in the first game I found myself in nosebleed territory on table two! Here I was to be playing Jim who is Very Good At Warmaster. Fortunately he's also very nice and patient so was happy to help me muddle through the rules.

Jim was using an Indian type army, but using the Albion list (as it gives access to plentiful chariots and other appropriate light troops). Jim's hoping eventually to create an officially recognised Ind list for Warmaster.

The scenario involved grabbing and holding on to some objectives - moveable this time, unlike the previous scenario. They're the circular yellow bases in some of the pictures.

I'd got my knights in a big block (because that worked so well in the last game) covering one flank with infantry in the centre.

Another town, just ready for me to occupy.

One of my brigades went yomping off.

And I did indeed successfully occupy the town.
The town house models are resin prints from Cromarty Forge - jolly nice they looked too.

A Chariot wing presented themselves.

Doing the same thing and expecting different results is, as Einstein almost certainly didn't say, a sign of insanity. So it was entirely predictable that this is what would happen to my big block o' knights.

My flagellants decided to go wallow in the swamp (while the halberds grabbed an objective)

The Chariot wing soon overran my wing.

Steam Tank versus Many Armed Daemon of Ind - a classic match up.

(The Daemon was standing in for the Fell Beast in the Albion list.)

The village was pretty secure though.

The Flagellants went chasing off after some slingers. Jim's slingers were clearly armed with assault rifles rather than the more traditional stone in a bit of material.
Definitely OP.

More stuff on my flank, is it?

I began pulling back towards my left corner.

And the pistoliers joined in the objective grabbing fun.

A conga line of chariots made contact with the cannon.

Hmmm, once again I seem to have a flank problem.

Oh dear, oh dear.

From here Jim rolled around to my other flank and relived me of the remaining objective counters to record a big win for himself.

No surprise really, he's a much better player then me and was nice enough to pretend I'd made a bit of a game of it.

Despite being well beaten it was a great game to play and Jim was very patient with my fumbling through the rules and asking questions. His army looked lovely too.

With that over I would no doubt be plummeting back down the tables for the final round

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