
Saturday, 17 June 2023

Warmaster: Battle for the Tower

 Matt came over for another Warmaster game. I set things up for the Battle for the Tower scenario from the rulebook. Matt took Chaos and I had the Empire list I'd taken to Wormaster.

The field of war!

The Empire has cautiously pushed up toward the tower. You get VPs from turn three onwards for having units in contact with the tower.

Inevitably the harpies fluttered down behind my lines.

I was able to blast them from existence (thanks, Helblaster) but it did leave a chunk of my army out of position.

Meanwhile a slab of pure Chaos was advancing up the centre.

My leaders once more failed to distinguish themselves and my General was hard pressed to get the army moving.

The Dragon Ogres caught the pistoliers.

The Empire knights charged the Chaos infantry, but rather whiffed their dice and were pushed back.

Meanwhil the Chaos forces were pushing up against the tower.

Rather unwisely the flagellants charged the Chos forces. They were cut down and then the Chaos knights counter attacked.

The knights were also fairing badly.

The Pistoliers were caught again by the surviving Dragon Ogre.

The Chaos Knights went to work on the White Wolves.

Whilst still more knights caught the state troops in the flank.

It was all rather falling apart for the Empire.

The Steam Tank, which had broken down, again, was also charged by Knights.

The Deamon commanding the Chaos forces flew to the top of the tower to taunt his foes.

Remaining Empire troops held off marauder cavalry.

And soon enough the Empire forces withdrew leaving the tower to the armies of Chaos.

That was a bit brutal for the Empire. My command rolls were uniformly awful throughout which is always a problem for a large, unweildy army like Empire. And Chaos is a tough match up for the Empire lads.

Good fun to play though - and I do like the look of Warmaster on the table.

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