
Saturday, 15 April 2023

Triumph and Treachery four player Warhammer

Stephen was temporarily back from his exile on the Isle of Man, Kenton was on holiday, because he's a school teacher and life is one big holiday for him, and Kieran the Kiwi was also free - so we had a game of Triumph and Treachery. 1200points plus 300 points of allies usually gives us a good game so that's what we took.

The field of war, bereft of combatants.

The thrusting central monolith is the Shaft of Slaanesh, the objective for us all to take a firm hold of.

Kieran had an unholy alliance of shooty Dark Elves and fighty Slaanesh Warriors.

My Orcs with allied Ogres were the meat in a Kieran/Steve sandwich. The alternative being to be between Steve and Kenton *and* with a Sinister Statue in my deployment zone.

Kenton's Khaos Horde (with allied Daemons).

Steve was claiming he had a "Norse" army. In fact he had some Dwarfs (horned helmets, like beer) and Empire allies that he proxied with some Vikings.

The Orcs faced the Empi...Vikings.

I began by whittling away lightly armoured Witch Elves with my Leadbelchers.

Fortunately Kenton was also giving Kieran headaches.

The "norse" headed directly towards me.

Slaanesh clashed with Nurgle Daemons

The Hydra went to help out

And got Juggered in the faces.

The Witch Elves danced about a bit.

Then the Orcs failed animosity tests and thundered into the Dwarfs.

Turns out that even bog standard Dwarfs are better at pretty much everything than an Orc Bigguns. A little bit of Late Army Book syndrome.

Though Stephen did also have the magic spell "Only Roll Sixes" cast on himself with irresistible force.
You need two ward saves of a six you say....

The Orcs and their Warboss took a fearful beating.

The Leadbelchers meanwhile kept shooting Elves.

The Arrer Boys decided to see if they could succeed where the Big Uns had failed.
Spoiler Alert: They could not.

And the Board and Sword Boys had a go at the Empi...Vikings.

That did not go well either.

Finally Kieran had enough of being shot and decided to try and earn some victory points by charging the 'belchers.

This went as badly for him as the Orc charge had gone on the Dwarfs.

The Dwarfs now picked on the Boarboys.
Luckily for Dwarfs to make up for the fact they lose their super high ward save when they charge they get to have choppers, just like Orcs instead. Seems fair.

The Boarboys joined the rest of the Greenskins in the dead pile.

Kenton meanwhile was in mop-up mode.

Finally the Leadbelchers faced the "Norse"

And the Daemons killed the remaining Elves.

After four turns time was ticking, my army was all dead and Kieran's was almost done so we called a halt.

Stephen had the biggest warchest and so claimed victory, but, as always Warhammer was the real winner.

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