
Sunday, 19 March 2023

Of Gods and Mortals Norse Battles Day - Game Three: Freya v Heimdal

 For the final game of the day I would be playing Dean who used to have the Too Much Lead blog but is now mostly to be found on Instagram  sharing his lovely painting skills.

He had a Heimdal force including a mahoosive Fenrir. We would be fighting for possession of a flock of sheep.

Hemdal's followers have eyes on the woolly fellows

Heimdal had some trolls with him too.

Who were sneaking up on some Noble Warriors

Heimdal also had a Frost Giant and (inevitably) a Valkyrie 

Heimdals's forces were soon closing in on sheep central.

Though the Frost giant lagged behind somewhat.

I'm not sure those tiny sheep are going to be much more than a snack for this big lad (it's a repainted Schleich toy)

Heimdal is pretty brutal - he's got a horn that allows him to awe folks with ease and Dean took full advantage of that to brutalise my shieldmaidens

While Fenrir started snacking on the rest of my force.

I threw the heroine in to the mix in an attempt to slow down the big dog.

But he just kept on munching away.

The slingers kept watch - and prayed.

Freya finally got going on the vikings that were powering up Heimdal each turn.

As Fenrir polished off the last of the shieldmaidens.

The Valkyerie started slowing down the Nobles.

While Fid...Fenrir decided to pick on the poor slingers.

Heimdal arrived to repeat his awe and shock attacks on the nobles.

Even the slingers got awed too.

Soon after this time was up, I was below half strength and it was clear that Heimdal had won the day.

Interesting game this I've tried in some (Greek) games in the past to use the god as the main attacker with the mortals just providing extra dice but never quite got it to work - Dean had it down to a fine art.

Great game and Dean's army looked lovely.

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