
Saturday, 11 February 2023

Two Games of Xenos Rampant

Martin came over for some more Xenos Rampant. As a change from the Tangermarines he bought a new force of mostly light infantry. I stuck with the Orks.

We set up for a game where one side has to flee the table and the other stop them. Dicing we discovered I was the runner.

Martin's force are a mix of the Wargames Atlantic plastics

And Stargrave miniatures

The Orks clumped in the centre.

A single unit of Tangermarines were to provide muscle.

Unwisely Martin began by shooting the Ork Lootas. They killed a couple, but Firefight did a devastating seven kills in return and the remaining three green clad men fled the board. Ouch.

The other infantry gulped and headed for cover!

Gruzzkupp meanwhile was marshalling the ladz.

Apart from one lot, who couldn't help themselves.

Safer among the rocks the Starship crew called in a barrage that killed off the Lootas.

But the Boys were getting away.

Although the one unit rapidly chewed through the Tangermarines another devastating Orbital Barrage wiped them out as the Sergeant waved his chainsaw and laughed

However most of the Orks had already fled the board and so I claimed the victory!
A tough scenario for Martin - with most of my force automatically moving 8" each turn it was always going to be tricky to hold enough of them up to get the win. Losing a unit first turn was a less than ideal start.

It was all over quite quickly so we played the Convoy scenario.

The Orks move out.

The green guys, having cleaned up their trousers came back determined to make amends.

The Boys went on the offensive.

The heavy weapon troopers were driven back by the Lootas and the Convoy rumbled on.

The Boys fighting Tangermarines uphill of them found things tougher going and were thrown back and pinned.

But the trukks rumbled on

The Lootas meanwhile started picking on the Green guys once again.

And there was little the lightly armed humans could do to stop the convoy

Another win for the Orks. I think Martin's force needs a bit of tweaking. Something with a bit more punch/durability would help. And light troops in particular are no match for tooled up Berserkers.

Good fun games though. I'm now thinking of dusting off the elder lad's Eldar and giving them a run out.

A few bonus phone pictures:

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