
Saturday, 7 January 2023

Xenos Rampant Threesome

Matt and Scrivs came over for another game of Xenos Rampant.

I again took the Orks - and realised that maybe using Berserker profiles as the starting point for most of the force made sense - so I tooled some up to make a unit of Nobs. I also added some support infantry so I could use my Lootas. I statted up Matt's Black Templars as Heavy Infantry mostly rather than Elites - through he still had a single unit of those as the commander. Scrivs had flying, heavy weapon wielding Elites to lead his force!

My boyz were soon taking fire from the Tau - and as my leader was something of a wimp this test on a recount actually resulted in them leaving the field, not being pinned!

The Nobs went hunting Templar.

Who in turn were lurking about.

The Lootas formed Conga Line - always the best deployment for heavy weaponry...

A twin pronged assault prepared itself.

Ready to take on the Kroot

Scrivs' flying leader claimed the hill.

There's Tau lurking in them bushes

The ladz prepare to charge

Templars hold the trench.

While the Nobs hurl insults

Berserker face off!

The Nobs are driven back

And then my camera battery ran out!

My boys suffered under the hail of Tau shooting and the one unit that did charge wiped themselves out taking out the Kroot in a display of mutually assured destruction.

In the final tally Scrivs and I had a coupe of VPs but Matt's Templars  hedl a crucial objective and claimed the win.

Still enjoying XR it's fast and furious and gives a pretty good game. Starting to get a feel for my Ork force now too.

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