
Saturday, 14 January 2023

Lord of the Rings SBG three player game

Over to my chum's house for a three player game of LotR SBG. I took my Easterlings and Khand for this one. 500 points each with VPs for killing leaders and breaking your opponents' armies. We also diced for our forces coming on for a bit of added random.

Just a few phone pics of the ensuing action

My Easterling Phalanx bore down on the Elves

But the other half of my force was tangling with Theoden.

The much vaunted Elf shooting had little effect on my heavily armoured fellows.

The Khand axemen struggled to cut down the King.

Easterlings clashed with Elves.

Gamling came to help his King.

But eventually the Khandish leader chopped him in twain.

Meanwhile Elrond was transforming my red men in to red mist.

In the end the human/Elf alliance remained unbroken and with Elrond still alive whereas both the Easterling leader and Theoden had bitten the dust and had their forces broken. Victory to Elrond.

1 comment:

  1. The Human/Elf alliance sounds like the right side to support, so I guess this is a good result, in terms of the LOTR storyline??? I think I have watched all the films once, in sequence, but I really can't remember a lot about it apart from Frodo, Gandalf, "my pretty" and Sauron!
