
Saturday, 31 December 2022

Xenos Rampant Four Player Game

Xenos Rampant fever clearly has us in it's grip as Martin, Matt, Scrivs and I got together for another game.

I again took Orks, Matt had the Templars, Martin had the Tangermarines and Scrivs bought his Tau. Martin was experimenting with using some of the Marines as Heavy Infantry and just using the Commander's unit as Elite.

We had five objectives scattered about the table and would get a VP each turn for holding one as well as VPs for destroying enemy units.

Martin went first, fired a speculative shot at the Tau commander, failed to cause a wound but the big scary flying death robot failed his test and fled the board. Scrivs' dice luck didn't really improve after this point.

Da Orks pushed up on the Tau on their flank.

The Templars yomped up.

The Berserker Orks faced off against the Berserker Kroot.

Tangermarines bounced forward - Martin had swapped these to be skimmers after trying Flying in our last game.

The Kroot beat off the Orks in their first clash.

The Shoota Nob roared his encouragement.

Elite Marines just kinda standing around and shooting.

The Kroot charged again.
Things looked bad for the Orks.

Then Scrivs rolled this.

I rolled better, the Kroot, reduced below half strength failed their test badly and fled the table!

The Tangermarines faced off the Dreadnought.

More Orks skulked in the terrain.

While the Tangermarines made for the central objective.

The Tau formed a firebase.

I sent Orks to contest the centre.

While SantOrk Klaws urged his lads on.

The Orks saw off the Tangermarines.
Sadly this left them exposed to Templar shooting which saw them wiped out.

The Tau scouts wisely avoided the Berserkers.

Brother Big Lad squeezed the juice from the Tangermarines.

We called a halt soon after this. Despite opening up an early lead the Tangermarines were overhauled in the last turn by the dogged Templars. The Orks and Tau had fought themselves to a standstill.

Another good fun game.
Statting the Marines as heavy infantry seemed to work. At one point Scrivs wondered if Elites were limited to a single unit. That's not a rule, but it doesn't seem a bad house rule to consider in future.