
Monday, 19 September 2022

Midgard - Mini Mortimer's Cross

 James and Chris came over to have a loose run through of the Mortimer's Cross game we're putting on at Partizan.
Chris scaled things down to 1/4 of the size we'll play in Newark - this was about seeing if the scenario and forces were roughly balanced and to give us chance to think about what else we might add in the last few weeks. On the day we'll have 4 times the models but a similar number of (much bigger) units on a much bigger table.

Very rough and ready on the scenery front, the actual board will look a lot nicer and a fair few of the flags need to be sorted for the commanders, we just used what we had for the purposes of the game.

The Lancastrian left was held by the cowardly Butler and his Irish.

Owen Tudor led the cavalry and we gave him some rules to encourage a rather reckless charge.

Not-yet-King Eddie held the Yorkist centre

Both sides had some cannon - shot has been found in the vicinity, so it's possible they were at the battle - and anyway, cannon are cool.

The Yorkist right had cavalry facing the Irish.

The Tudor forces marched beneath the red dragon.

The Irish hoped their javelins and nice yellow frocks would serve them well.

The roar of cannon began the battle.

As the Lancastrians surged forward.

Eraly Yorkist shooting saw several Red Rose leaders get hit and lose reputation cowering from wounds.

Owen Tudor, with no messing about plunged headlong in to the Yorkist left.

This went badly for the archers, but left Tudor unsupported with foot knights closing in.

Jasper's Burgundians failed to make much impact.

The Irish were caught by the cavalry.

While Jasper found himself being driven back towards the Lugg.

With both flanks engaged the centre edged forward.


Inevitably the knights overwhelmed the plucky Irish.

Who duly fled.

Fortunately the Lancastrian Scurrers were able to take the knights in the rear!

Butler meanwhile belied his reputation by leading his men home in a charge.

The mercenaries finally realised that their pikes were better than their crossbows and crashed home.

While Butler fought on.

Owen's knights were driven into the river and Tudor raced away to join another unit.

Abergavenny on the York left, having routed the Lancastrian knights set about their bowmen.

Butler carried on crushing the York right.

The centre ground slowly on.

The Scurrers finished off the York knights and Lord Vaughan stayed to fight them alone.

Finally in the centre Eddie got involved which provoked Jasper to charge home.

Eddie, picking out the seven or eight men he's about to personally pound to a pulp.

"Yeah, that one there, he's mine!"

Abergavenny breaks through on the York left.

And the Lancastrian reputation cup runs dry.

Victory to Edward of March!

Great fun game with good company. It fair licked along - Lancaster had lost in about 90 minutes, but we played another turn a dn they lost even more comprehensively.

Really looking forward to seeing it all laid out at four times the size on a 12" table at Partizan. Hope to see some of you there.


  1. Very nice. x4 is going to be quite a spectacle.

  2. That's already a lot of nice models on the table, quadruple that will be rather epic!
