
Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Warhammer Daemons v Chaos Warriors

 Another 2400 point game.

This time I dropped the Keeper in favour of a Daemon Prince and some extra Daemons. I managed to get a horde of Daemonettes.

Took the Seekers again. Still no real idea how to use them.

There were a *lot* of Chaos Warriors.

Everyone trundled forward.

At some point around now a lucky Blue Flames spell killed and made flee a unit of Chaos Knights.

Over on my right the dogs fancied their chances against my Furies.

This did not end well for the hounds.

The Fiends went in on the Warriors - never a good thing for them to go in frontally.

The smaller 'nette unit took on some warriors. Didn't go well. but thinned the armoured lads out a fair bit.

Meanwhile the horde found itself grinding up against some Putrid Blight Kings.

I sent the seekers in to help the Fiends. This proved an error as the Warriors just took the easy kills.

On and on it ground.

While the Herald alone remained from the smaller unit.

However the DP got involved and chased off some warriors.

And finally the Blight Kings ran (but got away).

Despite the Yellow Warriors being properly thinned out they still had enough to kill all the Seekers and chase off the Fiends.

Right into the Horrors.

What was left of the horde took on the remaining Chaos Warriors.

To my surprise the Horrors hung in there and eventually dragged down the last of the yellow Warriors.

Although the Warriors were slowly chewing through the Daemonettes it was too little too late.

The DP and the Masque were closing in and the game ended with a clear win for my Daemons

Another good game. At bigger points the Daemons are quite a handful to deal with. Also Steve's dice continue to blow cold while mine remain, if not exactly hot, at least luke warm.

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