
Wednesday, 9 March 2022

Midgard at Hammerhead - Dunnichen 685

Last Saturday saw me assume the arduous duties of "Chum" to James Morris and help him put on a game at the Hammerhead show in Newark.

We were demonstrating James' WiP Midgard rules. Hammerhead is an "all participation" show so James had decided on a small game to make it easy for people to take part.

The scenario is one of the ones that will appear in the rulebook -with Picts attacking Saxons arrayed on the hill - in this case based on the massacre of the Saxon invaders by the Picts in 685.

All the models and terrain on display are James' work - all us chums were required to do was roll dice, shout hurrah and talk to visitors.

Here's the eye candy.

Pictish attackers

Saxon defenders

The Pict horde advances

View from the Saxon end

Pict lords urge on their men

While some relax

The Pict cavalry arrive

The Saxons wait

Battle is joined and the first Picts are hurled back

The Pict cavalry sweep round the flank

The main Pict line charges home

The Pict horse breaks over the flank

Meanwhile the geese are getting restless

A wounded time traveller takes a breather

Back on the ridge it's all getting messy

The Saxon line is under pressure.

But cavalry is at hand

Eventually the Saxon king went down to a hail of javelins and the Picts acheived the historic outcome!

A great day out. Not many people wanted to play but we did an awful lot of chatting - with a great deal of interest in the Midgard rules.

One amusing moment came early on in the day. A pair of chaps stopped by for a chat and one asked quite a bit about the game. James always likes to have plenty of additional information available and as this pair departed the one who had not spoken loudly told his friend "they lost me by putting CE instead of AD, bunch of woke lefties"
What an absolute snowflake having his feelings hurt by a sign. Bless him.

Also a typically cowardly snowflake who didn't even have the guts to talk about it, just a snidey throwaway comment as he stalked off. Wally.

Fortunately everyone else we spoke to was lovely and friendly and very complimentary about James' set up.

We're planning a much bigger game to take to Partizan - hope to see some of you there.


  1. Great looking game and collection 👍

  2. Lovely looking game - nice one.

    How long does an average game take to play?

    @CE vs AD
    Some thoughts here.

    1. A standard sized game will take the usual 2-3 hours. James has designed it very much with "an evening down the club" in mind.

    2. I don't mind either way whether people use AD, CE or whatever else they choose - what I object to are people making snarky, rude comments while walking off.
      Happy to have the discussion but people who are cowardly and snide can go f*ck themselves. :)

  3. 😎 Thanks.

    @comment CE, etc

    I agree. Call it what you want but don’t be a twat about it.

