
Thursday, 24 March 2022

Empire Civil War - Game Five

And so to the climax of the campaign! The invading Nordlanders have forced their way deep into Middenland. At the dirty backwater settlement of Sockewichsen the Middenheim general Abelard von Gesegnet turned and determined to make a final stand.

This was to be the Raise and Ruin scenario from the Warhammer 8th edition Big Red Book. My Middenheim army was only 1800pts whereas the Nordland invaders had 2400. All they had to do was eject me from the buildings, or raise Sockewichsen to the ground.

Handgunners hold the line

With a bit of, ahem. "Fire" support!

The local raving madmen of the apocalypse turned up

The Middenheim crossbowmen arrived

As did the turncoat Nordland pistoliers, keen to see off their erstwhile kinsmen.

The loud bangs drove the flagellants more demented.

Stephen had difficulty locating his usual forces (he's packing up to move to the Isle of Man) so had arrived with a largely cavalry army to attack some defended buildings...

Still, that's a *lot* of firepower.

The Captain on Pegasus flapped into backfield.

The Nordland spearmen took protection from the Luminark (that looks a bit like a Steam Tank)

Aldebard led the knights on a charge into the Babygriffs.

The Middenheim canon lit the blue touch paper and...

Nordland knights skirted the tower

The pegasus took on the handguns.

Having dealt with them he flapped on.

Actual War Wagon trundling around in the rear.

The knights picked on the harmless mortar

Much to my amazement the knights saw off the Babygriffs. Though at some cost.

Nordland halbardiers entered Sockewichsen.

The knights, deciding shooting wasn't doing it charged the watchtower.

With the war wagon trundlingchsen up in support.

Aldebard took on the Pegasus captain.

But the watchtower remained in the hands of the Middenheimers.

Despite fire and magic raining down on them at the end the blue and white forces clung on!

And so the Nordland incursion was turned back at the last,

Overall the campaign belonged to the blue and yellow but a last ditch stand at Sockewichsen allowed Middenheim to claw back some respectability.

As a result of this campaign I finally have a fully painted 2000 point Empire force. Hurrah!

Wonder what we'll play next?

1 comment:

  1. Nice finale to the CW campaign. Nice to end up with a painted army too :-)
