
Monday, 3 January 2022

Warhammer Triumph and Treachery - New Year battle

And so as the year turns we assembled at the North Notts Palias des Jeux for our semi-regular New Year Warhammer game. Four players this time. I took my Ogres with Kislev Allies, Von Kenton (of Von Lenton) had Vampires with Chaos Knight Allies, Kieran had Chaos with some Skaven along for the ride and Stephen had his High Elves with some of the lesser seen (at least in this part of North Notts) Lizardmen allies. 1200 point main forces and 300 points of Mercenaries.

I concocted a not entirely successful scenario wherein a Captain of the Empire who had discovered the Lost Book of To Me Kupa had looked within and been driven mad and was wandering randomly about. The Vampires and Tzeentch Chaos wanted his arcane knowledge for themselves, the High Elves wanted to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands and the Ogres wanted to flog him to the highest bidder.

The Ogres set up in one corner

von Kenton muttered something about "the smell of easy victory points" and set up as close as he could to me.

The Elves were in the far corner from me - with the Chaos forces and their Skaven masters servants opposite

My Kislev horse archers sallied forth

Pretty soon the Lizards were munching through the Chaos forces (after they'd been seriously whittled by Elven bow fire)

The Khorne knights decided to join the fun as von Kenton tried to build his zombie horde to take on the Ogres.

Filthy Elves, sneaking about shooting stuff.

Despite foul (card) play eventually my Ogres charged home and brutally dealt with the nascent Zombie horde and their pet Vampire.

The Ironguts found the Hexwraiths tougher fayre but I'd remembered to give the Bruiser a magic sword after the last game.

The Kislev Kontingent rather unwisely turned their flank toward an Elf bolt Thrower. Fortunately the shot failed to do any wounds.

Zombies and Hexwraiths in the cookpot the Butcher politely knocked on the door and asked if the Skeletons wanted to come out and be made into stock play.

The Elves were ripping the remains of the Chaos forces to bits.

The Ogres surrounded von Kenton.

And then chrged him from behind.

Hur, hur, hur!

With very few warriors remaining the Elves and their Lizard chums feasted on Skaven.

Despite a final charge from the few warrior remnants the Elves (mostly) held firm.

At the end of turn five we called a halt to the slaughter. I had wiped out von Kenton - at last claiming revenge for numerous previous betrayals.
This was my mighty treasure chest.

Alas it was not quite large enough - Stephen had 25 more in his pot and so the Ulthuan force claimed the field.

What super fun. Despite no beer drinking (back to work tomorrow - boo) plenty of trash was talked and many were the laughs had. But as always, Warhammer was the real winner!

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