
Saturday, 15 January 2022

El Cid Warhammer Ancient Battles

At some point over lockdown Stephen painted up an El Cid Spanish army - using mostly Footsore models.

He's packing his house up in preparation for moving to the Isle of Man and wanted to give them a run out for the first time before packing them away. So we dusted off the excellent El Cid supplement and the 1.5 version of WAB. We were aiming for around 2,000 points but in the end I just threw down what was about the right amount.

I had a core of spearmen and pushed some cavalry up on my right

Inevitably Spanish light cavalry swarmed my flank.

At this point I changed the settings on the camera qhich makes things look bleaker then they were...

The Almoravid centre steamrollered on.

While the Christian cavalry waited

More light cavalry on my left too

Facing the mighty Kamel Korps of Khamu Khazi

The Berber horse forgot to run away and I remembered how rubbish they are.

Their death triggered a "panic bomb" and most of my right flank ran away.

Things were going better on the left, where an attempted charge was foiled and driven off with javelins

Meanwhile my centre bore down

My spears rallied and faced off the caballeros

Finally the Almoravids crashed home into the peons.

My archers were caught by jinettes

Still the face off in the centre

Christian cavalry joined the fight in the middle of the lines.

However the Black Guard proved triumphant and panic gripped the Christians who fled in numbers

The caballeros continued to shoot down the Berber spear

Before deciding enough was enough, charging home and routing the spears!

My other spear unit turned to face the caballeros breaking through in the middle

With the Spanish centre destroyed the Black Guard chased off the crossbows

And with that the game came to a close. A victory to the Almoravid invaders.

Fun to get the soldiers out and WAB gives a fun game. The rules did feel a bit dated and "fantasy" after a long time away from them.

It all looked splendid with two fully painted quite big armies going at it.


  1. The WAB books were generally pretty good and to my mind el cid was the best of the bunch

  2. Excellent stuff and there I was thinking about El CID battles ! Now I have the motivation !

  3. Great looking games and great looking battle mat. What is this made of? And how did you dye / paint it?

    1. Thanks.
      It's some "camel" coloured fleece that I sprayed with some rattle cans.
      I blogged about it here:

  4. Thank you Tom, i'll do one too 👍🏻

  5. Great looking game, we should give WAB a go again some time.
    I think I prefer the later photos, less saturated.
