
Tuesday, 28 December 2021

Empire Civil War - Game Two

Regular readers (thank you both) will recall that Stephen and I began an Empire Civil War campaign a while ago. Stuff has gotten in the way since then (mainly drinking and playing big T&T games) but rearranged Christmas plans (thanks Covid!) meant we were able to resume.

After the first game the Nordland army has forced their way into Middenheim territory. The Middenheim army turns to counter attack! This was a scenario adapted from one in Neil Thomas' One Hour Wargames book, which is in turn based loosely on the battle of Langensalza. Apparently.

I deployed a forlorn hope, the Nordlanders had their full army, but I knew of two secret river crossings! Whoever held both village and bridge at the end would win.

The thin blue and white (and allies) line deploys.

The Blue and Yellow Nordland men arrive.

With an artillery park

And lots of shooty horseymen

The Nordland knights waste no time in charging the MIddenheim crossbows. Sadly the river only make them scarier!

A-ha - the Middenheim knights arrive by a secret crossing.

The knights chase off the shooty horseymen and canter into some Nordland swords.

The blue and yellow knights return to the field after running down the crossbows.

And square off with the Middenheim swordsmen.

To everyone's astonishment the swordsmen break the knights and send them fleeing from the field!

And then my camera ran out of power. Boo!
So I was unable to record a rare victory for the blue and white (and allies) army.
My knights broke through on the left flank and were able to force their way into the village. Eventually the spearmen caught up with them and they were able to hold on and contest the village.
With my swordsmen holding the bridge it was victory to Middenheim.

Hurrah for Warhammer!


  1. Lovely to see two very nicely painted Empire armies on the table at the same time. Looks like you had a good fun game.
