
Tuesday, 2 November 2021

The Sacred Skull of To Me Ku Pa - Triumph and Treachery in Sylvania

Many, many years ago, before even the coming of Sigmar, there arose a powerful dark Magician, the Necromancer To Me Ku Pa who ruled over the lands now known as Sylvania.

Eventually he was overthrown by a wandering (and rather dim) barbarian whose name has been lost to history. However his acolytes sought to preserve the great man's knowledge by preserving his skull, complete with his magic necromancers hat.

Legend says that whoever can lay claim to the Sacred Skull of To Me Ku Pa will have power over all the dead in Sylvaniahahahahahahahaha!

For Hallowe'en Stephen, Kenton (from Lenton) and I got together to play Warhammer using Triumph and Treachery and only Vampire Counts armies. Kenton (from Lenton) has a very nice VC force that he assembled at least partly using the A*e of S*g*a* partworks magazine. Stephen has enough Vampires to make two whole armies. So I made an objective marker.

Stephen even painted a new Vampiress for me to use. On a big beasty that we used as an Abyssall Terror. He mithered about it, but secretly he likes a project and an excuse to paint new models - so I was doing him a favour really.

So my army was led my Margaretta von Grantheim - a soulless, destructive, hate filled blood sucker. The daughter of a humble thatcher she is worshipped by mindless zombies and empty headed cadavers.

Stephen had a sinewy Strigoi and Kenton (from Lenton) had opted for a Necromancer (though he'd backed him up with a Vampire too). 

I won the roll for set up, so opted for a corner, rather than my usual spot of "sandwich filling" in the middle.

Steve opted for the middle. He'd got his bloated purple ghoulies out. He loves to get them out.

He'd also bought a big dead dragon.

The Sacred Skull lay just up the road from Stephen's starting point.

Kenton (he of Lenton fame) faffed and fussed oscillating between corners before finally settling on the one closest to the door and therefore hardest to take pictures of.

He had his ghoulies out too.

The Strigoi had a plan for dealing with HexWraiths. A big flying shrieking plan. (These AoS jobbers make good substitute HexWraiths)

Meanwhile the sinewy Strigoi thrust his ghoulies forward.

Margaretta "The Snatcher" swung her forces onto the Strigoi flank.

Look at these beautiful models. Gorgeous paint jobs. Too beauteous for Stephen to include them in my army apparently.

The shrieking went about as well as can be expected and the HexWariths went pop.

The Sinewy Strigoi decided not to pick up the Sacred Skull and instead adjusted his ghoulies.

At about this point (Kenton (of Lenton) decided to cast a simple spell. He rolled but three dice. They came up 6, 6 and 5.
Then he rolled a double one.
Then a three.
And with that his Necromancer Lord was sucked off (they hate that) and crumblage began.
Stephen and I were appropriately supportive and sympathetic at this most unfortunate turn of events.

The Lahmians continued their advance.

More shrieking went on.

I had great faith in my graveguard. They're supposed to be awesome.

The big purple nasties got stuck into the uncrumbled Zombies.

And the battle lines closed

At this point the Sinewy Strigoi pressed the *on* button on his liquidiser mode and tore the grave guard into bony little bits.

Forget what anyone has told you about Graveguard. Turns out they're rubbish.

The pitiful remains of the post crumbling Carsteins. Though a big old bunch of ghoulies are cramming themselves into the tower...

Margaretta snatched up the Sacred Skull.

The graveguard eliminated, I threw a busload of Zombies at the Sinewy Strigoi.

And charged with everything else.

I'm sorry beautiful dog models, but I'm going to have to put you all to sleep.

This fight was, in retrospect, unwise.

In the background Margaretta has wiped out one of Von Kentonstiens units to grab some coins.

The mulching continues.

The Big Flappy Shrieker takes zombies in the flank.

Kenton (of Lenton) whips his ghoulies out right in front of Magaretta. 
As long as I get to go next everything will be fine.

As regular readers (thank you both) will have already guessed I do not get to go next. The Von Kentonsteins get the jump on Margaretta and she is inevitably popped simply by combat numbers.

She drops the Sacred Skull.
Hilariously as the rules specify only your General can pick up the Skull, Kenton (of Lenton) is forced to leave it lying in front of his ghoulies.
He attempted to make a case for Generalship transferring to other characters in a way that happens in no other part of the game.
We were sympathetic and understanding of this interpretation of the rules but decided he was wrong.

Post a little light crumbling the steel jaws of the Sinewy Strigoi clamped shut on the army of La Snatcher.

We had played a mighty six turns (quite a result for a T&T game) and rolled the dice to see if the game ended - sure enough a 3 came up and so the Battle for the Sacred Skull drew to a close.
The Sinewy Strigoi had murdered the most opponents and, as the only surviving general, could also claim the Sacred Skull meaning that, as is traditional, Stephen was once again the victor.

Though the real winner was, of course Warhammer!

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