
Monday, 4 October 2021

Warhammer Orcs and Goblins v Goblins and Orcs

It's Orctober. So only right and proper that Steve and I should get the Greenskins out. We went for a bigger 2400 point game. The rules were, as always, Warhammer 8th edition.

We rolled up the Watchtower scenario, which we often turn down, but as lady luck had already decreed that Steve should erect a mighty, purple-topped edifice thrusting skyward near the centre of the board, we just shunted that into the right spot and set up.

Waaagh Gruzzkupp prepares to advance (lone Night Gobbo left behind from the deployment phase!)

The Green Waaagh awaits them

Boarboys, our favourite cavalry in the game. We both had some.

I had some River Trolls along for the ride. Without much fiery whatsits available to my rivals I hoped they'd be good to take and hold the tower.

The Green Waaagh had a horde of green Savage Orcs. So. Much. Frenzy.

...and Black Orcs too

And some poisoned Night Goblin archers.

The Savage boys rumbled forward.

Arrer boys adorn the shiny purple head of the upright edifice

Gruzzkupp's first chariot rather bounced off the Black Orcs

Bravely the Boarboys took on the Savage Orcs

While Gruzzkupp and his Big Uns shouted encouragement

Incredibly the Boarboys didn't loose and run away. And the Savages lost Fenzy.

The Black Orcs went after the chariot

Following a bunch of flank orientated fighting most of Gruzzkupp's right had vanished.

The Big Uns and the Night Goblins (suffering from Frenzy inspired by a nearby statue) charged the Savages.

The Trolls meanwhile had taken the bulbous purple tip of the tower.

The chariot had railed and faced off the Black Orcs

Savages dealt with it was time for the rival Big Uns to get it on. Which is better additional weapons or a shield?

The Night Gobbos dealt with the remnants of the Savage Orcs

The chariot thundered home and, despite being repurposed as firewood, killed rather a lot of BlOrcs.

Gruzzkupp killed the Head of the Green Waaagh, but was running out of Big Uns...

However it was enough and the Green Waaagh Big Uns turned tail and fled.

The Boarboys cruelly ran down the valiant Night Gobbos

And with the last action of the game the Black Orc champion forced his way into the tower, slaughtered the last remaining troll and claimed the win, bouncing up and down with pleasure atop the purple crowned shaft!

Great fun game. Good to play at slightly bigger points. Orcs against Orcs is a good match-up leading to a real slug-fest.

Hoping for more to come in Orctober!


  1. Green versus Green! I love it with great figures and terrain. Nothing fancy; just point the boys in the right direction and yell, "Charge!"


  2. Splendidly orky, though all the references to the purple shaft were a little creepy. :)
