
Sunday, 17 October 2021

Warhammer Empire Civil War - Game One

Stephen has his birthday at the start of November and we'll be playing a big Triumph and Treachery game (and drinking beer). In theory we'll have an Empire Civil War game with four Empire armies and one VC (representing Sylania). Though one of the players is muttering about bringing chaos.

So as preparation/warm up he and I have embarked on an Empire against Empire campaign. My general is from Middenheim and Steve's army is that of Nordland, so we imagine a border dispute has escalated into out and out warfare.

The first battle is across the river that divides the disputed territory - using the scenario from the Big 8th edition book (and previously in WAB Age of Arthur and doubtless more besides). Whoever holds the crossings when the game end is the winner!

As usual my camera struggled with the lighting in the Hucknall Palias des Jeux. These pistures also demonstarte how important basing is to the look of an army - mine are only partially based (or not at all) and the trays are WiP and it really shows.

The Nordlanders form up on the road to the bridge

And park some other swordsmen near the ford.

It wouldn't be Empire without an artillery park.

The Middenheim alliance.

Including handgunners from Hochland

The Wissenland White Spears

And some Middenheim crossbowmen

Stirland archers patrol the left flank

And the Knights remain in reserve.

I had to hire some Nordland swordsmen of my own.

Enraged by their turncoat brothers the Nordland army makes for the ford.

Whilst the bridge force hangs back

The Amber wizard roars his encouragement

The Middenheim "whitelegs" whittled the Nordland forces.

Sadly the ford fight went to Nordland - their countryman paying the price of traitors.

The rampant Nordlanders recklessly charged the knights

And caught them in the flank with halberds.

The Outriders lurked by the ford,

The knights dealt with, the Nordland swords advanced on the Imperial guns.

While their left flank held firm about the bridge.

Eventually halberdiers moved on to the bridge and the pistoliers rode to challenge them

But it was too late the warmachines were cut down, the bridge held firm and Nordland claimed the victory!

Good fun game - small 1600 point  forces as I'm building up. 1800 points next time.

We learned the mortars are hopeless and you shouldn't let your knights get charged.

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