
Sunday, 29 August 2021

Of Gods and Mortals - Celtic Clash

James came over for a game of OGAM. We both really like this system but don't play it as often as we should. Celts was the name of the game so I took my Epona list and James had Slough Fegg and an assortment of other nastiness.

We chose a scenario from the Celts supplement - Epona was attacking Slough Fegg and his tall tower of evil.

Epona's Celtic warriors soon came up on the Celts in the servitude of Slough Fegg.

The Banshee swept into the middle of the line and shrieked with spectacular results.

Epona rode up with her men

And a huge scrum broke out

The three ladies had a set-to.

Meanwhile Slough Fegg picked on some Celtic nobles.

The big fight rumbled on

Until Epona overreached herself and was banished.

She returned but the evil forces had turned the tide.

However the horses hoofed Slough Fegg from the board

But it was too little too late and the Evil Lord retained control of his tower.

It was good to get OGAM out again. It always gives a good game - though it took us a while to get going as we tried to remember the rules...

We ended up thinking about the possibilities of an OGAM Greek themed gaming day in the near future.

1 comment:

  1. This is great stuff - I love your Epona figure! She put me in mind of this Black Adder quote (when referring to the Royal Flying Corps)...."For "magnificent men", read biggest show offs since Lady Godiva entered the Royal enclosure at Ascot, claiming she had literally nothing to wear!"
