
Sunday, 22 August 2021

General d'Armee - Napoleonic British and French

Scrivs  has a collection of Napoleonic figures so large the stack of Really Useful Boxes filled with painted French alone reaches to my chest.

So Martin and I took pity on him and agreed to push them around in a fashion pleasing to the eye.

When we arrived he'd already set up the table and then prepped sausage cobs for us all -  proper wargaming luxury.

I took control of the French and Martin had the redcoats.

I'm not going to do a proper breakdown of the game because it was over a week ago and anyway you can:

What I am going to do is post a whole pile of glorious eye candy. All the models and scenery are Scrivs' work.

I quite enjoyed the rules. I think both Martin and I waited too long to deploy the cavalry - I was hoping to soften up the infantry first and I struggled with how best to use the French columns. Also my Warhammer mind meant that I didn't think to move my artillery once deployed.

Great company for the afternoon and an amazing collection of lovely soldiers to play with.


  1. Eye candy indeed lovely to see 👍

  2. Brilliant photos Tom, hope we can do it again in the not too distant future

  3. Thanks for putting up so many pics - enjoyed.
