
Monday, 9 August 2021

A Return to Felstad - three player Frostgrave 2nd Edition

After years of shunning wargaming both of the (now late teenage) boys decided that a game of Frostgrave might be good fun. So who was I to turn them down?

I took my old familiar Chronomancer Warband led by Valerie d'Horlage with her hapless apprentice Geremi Quorbyn. Eldest boy took the Necromancer Al-An Partidj and his Arabian henchmen, while youngest boy went with the simplicity of the Elementalist, Fiery Colin.

We played the Well of Dreams and Sorrows scenario. We debated at first whether to place extra treasures for a three player game but I couldn't find a rule so we went with the five as written (subsequent questioning on the Frostgrave FB page suggests two per player plus the central one is the right approach).

Pre-game the Necromancer added a bear to his Warband and sent it and a knight hunting my henchmen. He then summoned a zombie and added that to the mix!

Geremi and the archer sneaked toward the well.

My thug formation dancing team practiced their moves.

Al-An's thugs grabbed the first treasure

The Ranger James the Milner snagged a treasure

Fiery Colin's assistant Burning Wilson directed the thief to grab a treasure

The bear got stuck in.

Lantony Anthony the thug went after James the Milner 

Fiery Colin immolated my treasure hunter (who I hadn't even got round to naming)

Geremi sneaked closer to the well. Failing to cast spells as he went.

"Torchy" Jones stopped for a game of hide and seek with Al-An's thief.

Sacks N. Violence the thug grabbed treasure while Geremi fancied a quick drink.

Lantony Anthony and James the Milner went toe to toe, bathed in the glowing light of the burning embers of my treasure hunter.

Al-An moved toward the well and Bone Darted Geremi.


Rabid dogs appeared and headed toward Burning Wilson.

The battle unfolds

Lantony Anthony continued in the face of mounting odds.

"Torchy" was introduced to Al-An's knight.

After which the knight got a hold of my crossbowman.

Thugs were *everywhere*!

Fiery Colin immolated Scks N. Violence. My archer warmed his fingers.

Valerie - who had managed just a single spell - was cornered by the knight of Al-An.

The bear cornered my archer.

Who chopped the big beast down - but was then dragged to the ground by a Zombie.

Finally the other two warbands decided to fight each other for a bit, instead of killing all my men.

In the end my entire part was eliminated!. Al-An claimed three treasures and Fiery Colin the other two.

In the post game wash-up all my expensive troops died permanently and of course I have no treasure with which to replace them. *sigh*

The boys both enjoyed themselves, so it's on with the campaign, apparently...

1 comment:

  1. looks like great fun! We will have to have a game soon (although it will take me while to come up with names as good as that!)
