
Wednesday, 17 March 2021

The Men Who Would Be Kings Solo Campaign (2)

After the setback on day two of the march to relive Fort Ooknall Captain Julius has urged his men forwards

On the third day of march the column passed unmolested over the scene of the previous day's defeat. The march was long and hard, but peaceful.

Day four was likewise all quiet. However after mess in the evening two men were struck down with sickness.

The fifth day also passed unremarkably save for the announcement that Lt. Leonard hard been mentioned in dispatches for his sterling duty in command of B. Co. This raised morale and the opinion of his men somewhat.

Day six and the column began to close in on Fort Ooknall. Scouts reported enemy tribesmen active and toward dusk shots rang out from concealed snipers, carrying off three men from the column.

Day seven broke crisp and clear. Fort Ooknall was now but a day's march away. In late afternoon scouts reported a build up of the enemy and soon enough shots were whizzing about.

B. Co. supported by the Dilshad rifles pushed forward into the hilly terrain.

Fierce Ooknall tribesmen rose up from the undergrowth to threaten the soldiers of her Majesty.

Though these were driven off with no harm to the British, as victory beckoned fanatical Ghazi warriors appeared to threaten B. Company.

In a flash they swarmed across the wall and fell on the British line.

B. Company was forced from the heights, but inflicted damage on the fanatical hill tribesmen.

A. Company meanwhile saw their rear threatened as rifle armed Ooknall tribesmen appeared to their front.

Fortunately time and sunset came to the rescue and the native warriors melted back in to the dusk, leaving Julius and his men free to spend a sleepless night mere hours from the gates of Fort Ooknall.

Only three men from Co. B. fell during the engagement and all made swift recoveries after the natives had been driven off.


  1. Lovely gaming, Tom. Beautifully painted figures and terrain, used in a great set of rules.
