
Sunday, 14 February 2021

Dragon Rampant Zoom Game

We were due another game in James' Muskets and Tomahawks campaign.
But none of the British players could make it. James and I both felt the need for some sort of gaming so he kindly set up a Dragon Rampant clash. 24 (ish) points with Orcs trying to break in to the Dwarf underground kingdom.

I took a few screenshots as the action unfolded.

Dragon Rampant gave a good game. I boldly announced that although some gamers don't like the 'one failed activation means handover' mechanic I have no problem with it. And then promptly rolled a succession of 3s and 4s to leave the Dwarf defence stalled. 
The dice gods punish hubris.

We ignored the 3" rule as we were playing on a small, confined table, but did use it guide charges and the like to ensure it worked as we think the author intended (so no charging past/across on enemy to contact another, no redirecting charges if  evaders escape).

But at 24 points and 1v1 the game soon gives you the dice back and these things tend to balance out in my experience (as  was the case here).

Dwarf shieldwall proved almost impossible for the Orcs to break down, especially after a snake-eyes roll for the trolls after their first combat saw them vanish from the game early on. The hold stayed out of Orc hands for the time being.

DR is also great for Zoom games as the looseness of the formation and movement rules work well over camera.

As I predicted to James before we played I'm now eyeing some fantasy models in the various piles of shame...


  1. Great pics. DR is a great game and it doesn't take many models to put a force together

  2. Tom,
    Thanks for the report. Dragon Rampant is my go to for fantasy battles.

  3. Cool looking game and figures, Tom!
