
Friday, 8 January 2021

Some ACW models

Whilst recovering from bionicing his leg Stephen has been cranking out a plethora of American Civil War models.

I started painting a few years ago (well, a decade, actually!), so decided to at least finish the box off and get a few 12 man units for Rebels and Patriots together.

When I originally painted some of these as Rebels I just dipped them and didn't do highlights. So I repeated that process albeit with Vallejo Sepia, not Woodstain. I did highlight the officer's coat a bit though.

The Union troops got some actual blue wash on the blue bits to match the originals. 
So I think that gives me two units of 12 Confederates and a unit of 12 Union.
Join me again in ten years' time for the next 12.


  1. Beautiful work sir! Love the uniform colours.

  2. I have found a few skirmish units soon turn into a brigade, and then a division......👍

  3. Yes, very nicely done - staining is the way to go sometimes, and in this case it's perfect.

  4. Nice looking troops. I think you will enjoy Rebels and Patriots. We are currently using it for the FIW.
