
Saturday, 25 July 2020

Warhammer 8th edition Dwarfs v Skaven 3k

With wargaming back on the menu Stephen and I decided to push the boat out and go for 3,000 points on the 8x4 table. Proper manly stuff.
I took Dwarfs (mostly because I'd just finished painting a couple of units and wanted to use them and Stephen took Skaven, including some filthy End Time trickery.
We played the Dawn Attack scenario where your troops turn up in random locations. This meant a couple of my heavy hitter units (hammeres, longbeards were stuck on a flank. The Skaven hordes seemed mostly to consist of huge units of slave tar-pits.

Thee field of battle:

Warriors and Ironbreakers hold the centre.

Slaves, plus an Abomination.

The Stinky Censer

Oh, and the Big Lad.

The random deployment meant my hammerers were stuck behind the longbeards.

Newly painted Slayers - bound to do well.

The rats surged forward

The cannon chose to shoot the Abomination, rather than the RatDaemonThingy.
Hit, wound, failed ward, six wounds. Dead!.
Wished I shot the RatDaemonThingy instead.

The RatDaemonThingy then charged some hapless Quarellers.

The Longbeards were hit by the Rat Ogres.

And the slayers found themselves in front of a Slave Train.

The Dwarf centre stayed put.

The Longbeards chewed up and spat out the RatOgres, than followed up into the RatOgreMachneGunThingys.

Like the slayers, the Ironbreakers took slaves in the face.

Lots of slaves died, but not fast enough...

The Stinky Censer decided to enter a steeplechase.

I want You, Cannon!


The Dwarf Warriors charged some censer bearers. Then overran into some slingers. Who popped.

The Ironbreakers were killing slightly fewer slaves than the slayers, but fewer of them were dying too. Swings and roundabouts.

Finally the clanrats and general decided to deal with the slayers.

Stomp, squish, splat.

The longbeards, having seen off two lots of Rat Ogres, fancied a palate cleanser of slaves.

The Ironbreakers finally popped the slaves they were fighting, turned and were run over by the Stinky Censer.

And with that I forgot to take pictures of the last turn.
The Ironbreakers and lord were run down but the Big Censer was in turn destroyed by the last few overrunning Longbeards (the slayers all dies, but the Longbeards swung the combat and all the rats ran away.
In a final combat the Dwarf warriors and the Skaven general unit fought themselves to a standstill.

A quick countback of points and the rats had more warm points still alive than the Dwarfs, so it looks like they're in to the initial defences of Clan Groznog...

Perhaps it's time for an Underway campaign?


  1. good to see you back in action

  2. As 3rd edition and 5th edition were frankly great, is 8th the sum of the two?

    1. It is the edition that was written when I was in charge of Games Dev at GW, so of course it is perfect in every way :)

      Cavalry is a bit underpowered, some people don't like the big spells (go play WAB then) but it plays fast has big units of infantry and big monsters and heroes aren't complete filth. Tournament players generally didn't like it as much as previous versions, which given that we were consciously trying to move away from that is a win in my book.

      3rd, BTW is AWFUL. Great book and very inspirational but an absolute dog of a game to actually *play*. The rose tinted spectacles of the Bryan Ansell fan-club don't make it an enjoyable gaming experience.

    2. I never found third edition particularly awful. I have not played 8th but those in my group that did disliked it - perhaps due to their forces being mostly cavalry?

      Love seeing the massed Skaven (my old army). The more amusing engines of chaos I could field the better. Not that I won often but it was fun.
