
Sunday, 12 July 2020

Middle Earth Midgard

Finally the lockdown gaming drought is over.
James came over and we had a socially distanced game in the Soldier Shack with door wide open.
We're play-testing his Midgard rules. I provided venue and table - all the soldiers are James' work.

The First Age Dwarves had a bit of a reputation for fighting with anyone, apparently. So in this scenario the Elves have set out to teach them a little manners.

The game began with a duel between two champions.
After three rounds both retired bloodied, but alive to their units and the battle proper began.

Part of the Dwarf force was defending their hillside fastness (an old Citadel foam piece_

On the left flank Twin Dwarf heroes Mufti and Tufti commanded some warriors.

More warriors defend hearth and home.

Whilst the king and his champion held the centre.

Cowardly Elf cavalry attempted a ride by shooting.

Dwarfs marched out to meet them.

The Dwarf battle line, anchored on the fortress began to swing  toward the elves.

On the left skirmishing dwarf archers hid in a wood.

The elf cavalry held back cautiously at first.

Some of the elf horse found themselves constricted by the terrain.

Finally the lines clashed.

The two champions renewed their acquaintance.

With terminal consequences for the dwarf.

Finally the elf cavalry were stirred to action.

Dwarf spears and elf spears turned into a bit of a grind.

The elf archers, surprisingly held their own.

The elf cavalry dished out pain but were unable to bring the canny dwarf general to fight.

On the right, a skirmish in the swamp began.

The flower of elf chivalry decided to pick on some lowly archers.

The Dwarf king and his bodyguard cut down the elf spears in the centre and turned to deal with some archers.

More elf spears were cut down as the tide of battle turned in the dwarves' favour.

The king, his enemy routed celebrates on the field of battle.

And continues to do so in this very similar picture.

A good fun game.
Great to get the toys out with a real live opponent after all this time.
The rules in the main work really well. The detail of pursuit still seems to be the part that provides most confusion - but I think that's a problem many unit type games struggle with.

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