
Saturday, 6 June 2020

BEF for Chain of Command (5)

A few purchases at Hammerhead, just before lockdown
Looking back, it seems crazy Hammerhead was allowed to go ahead - no slight on the organisers or the venue, they were just following government guidance - but several hundred people, not all of us in the best physical condition, in that space with no room for social distancing seems cavalier at best. The venue and organisers had arranged for hand sanitiser stations because at that point we were going to vanquish Covid by singing Happy Birthday through twice. Our only other concession to the virus was "ironically" touching elbows instead of shaking hands - oh how we laughed.

Anyway I bought the miniatures from Empress to pad out my BEF force.
They're really lovely Paul Hicks sculpts.
What I hadn't really considered when buying them was that these are "proper" BEF models with puttees and gas mask cases, unlike the majority of the unit. I'm not sure I'm bothered - they're really nice so I can live with the difference.

Boys AT rifle. This was mispacked - the two other miniatures in the pack were correct but the lying down model was a Lewis gun, which I don't need instead of a Boys (which I do).
I didn't notice at the show, but a quick email exchange and Empress had the correct model on it's way to me - excellent customer service.

This model is the one that made me want to get some of these - just so characterful. Not sure I'll get much use out of him in games, but it's another support option.

I really like the animation of this Sergeant figure too. Presumably counting down to "jump off" or whatever.

So with these I have now finished the basic early war force.
However I've bought a few more Crusader infantry to create either an extra squad, or to add to these to make the larger sized force that the Bristish were trying to field as the Dunkirk campaign began.


  1. Spiffing work Tom. They are rather lovely figures.

  2. Nice work you have reminded me I have a couple of BRitish bits I need to do !

  3. They really are rather splendid, lovely work Sir.
