
Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Sellswords and Spellslingers - Wolf Hunt

I decided to try a little mini scenario of my own devising for Sellswords and Spellslingers.
In this case the party would flee down a valley pursued by a pack of howling wolves.
Someone on the Song of Blades and Heroes Facebook page had already devised cards for wolves and  big boss wold so I used those.
The party simply has to exit the far end of the board without ending up as wolf meat.

The valley of death!

Very quickly the first pack of wolves attack Dilberry

But, in an unlikely display of martial prowess he sees them off.

Zank Frappa deploys fireballs to deal with a new set of minions 

But still they come and Wensleydale finds himself the object of lupine attention

Dwarf to the rescue!

Wensleydale wisely makes himself scarce

Leaving the dwarf to deal with things

Then Dilberry gets the pack treatment

Just as escape seems likely Frappa falls into a bear trap.

The wolf pack begins to close in.

But with a might heave the wizard limps off, leaving the elf to taunt the pursuing pack.

A fun little diversion.
I think the wolves started a bit far away (the leader wolf never saw combat) but as the reinforcements began to recycle and pour on it got a bit nervy for a while...
I think I'll make some tweaks and run it again a coupe of times.


  1. Looks like a fun game. I'll have to look up the rules. Lovely to see those old adventurers being put to use!

  2. Thanks, it's a fun little distraction during lockdown times. Rules are only $8 to download (less than a couple of beers) so hardly a big investment and yes, good to be aable to use whatever old school models you have around :)
