
Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Warmaster Empire

A few more units for Warmaster Empire.
The Halbardiers were all but finished and really only needed basing.

These are more of the unreleased test models.

The helblaster gun needed a little finishing and the crew were still just undercoated.

Two units of crossbows. Both needed a fair bit of finishing. the red uniforms were left untouched but pretty much everything else needed an bit of tarting up or adding altogether.

The first unit is the standard crossbowmen that were released with the game. Even though the rest of my force is Middenheim/Middenland blue and white these were red to match the other unit.

This is another of the unreleased test pieces and these models were clearly based on one of the regiment of renown Dogs of War units - The Marksmen of Miragliano who wore red. So that's how I started painting them. then left them in a box for fifteen years.

That's the last of the part finished models. I now have a whole bunch of Empire models on white snow bases to rebase - along with rather a lot of models still in blisters or mail order bags.


  1. Love the colour schemes. Have just started warmaster myself after avoiding it all those years ago.

    1. On reflection quartered white and blue on 10mm models was not the wisest choice...
      These were mostly painted several years ago. Were I starting now I think I'd look at some of the new Contrast paints.
