
Saturday, 25 April 2020

French for Muskets and Tommahawks

I finally painted the French Regulars I bought a few years ago when the Sherwood Hucknall and Ilkeston Team were going to do French Indian wars.
They're the very nice Crusader Miniatures from Northstar.

Finishing them also gave me the excuse to base the other elements of the force.

Some Crusader Woodland Indians

And some rather less nice Compagnie Franche de la Marine from Warlord (ex Conquest)

Of course Northstar now has their own versions of these troops. I wish they'd been available when i was buying.

This seems to be close to a reasonable starter force. I need a commander for the regulars but other than that they're good to go once lockdown ends.


  1. Very nice indeed and I have just received a package from AW Miniatures with the very same for Rebels and Patriots.

    Cheers, Ross

    1. Thanks. Funnily enough as soon as I finished these I started thinking about what I'd need to add to make an R&P or Sharp Practice force.

  2. Splendid work Tom. Hopefully these will be able to go up against James's recently painted Hurons when the current shenanigans are over.
