
Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Third Age Middle Earth at Hammerhead

Alongside James' game from yesterday I staged an altogether more modest affair.
For a few years now this has been our pattern - one big eye catching game that takes a bit of time and commitment to play alongside a smaller, quick and dirty game that's aimed more at the younger gamers (and their dads) looking for a speedy 30 minutes or so.

So this used my Games Workshop lord of the Rings collection. I brought along my Saxon houses to stand in for Rohan - some simple scatter terrain and job done - a 4x4 game of Dragon Rampant.

We both quite liked the contrast between the two games - very much opposite ends of the hobby spectrum.

I chose two roughly 16 point forces and used the Sausages and mustard scenario from Lion Rampant with marauding Orcs attempting to burn down the village and the forces of order trying to stop them.

I ran the game through four times (I think) with the Orcs burning buildings to the ground twice and the good guys stopping them on the other occasions.
Its always good to see how competitive some Dads are to beat their offspring - which actually happened a couple of times - much to their delight and surprise.

Dragon rampant worked really well - at this level with games lasting 40 minutes or so - just enough for a taster before younger ones get bored.

1 comment:

  1. Great looking game and a great idea to involve the kids
