
Monday, 17 February 2020

Warhammer 8th ed High Elves v. Dwarfs

In what's turning into a mini War of the Beard, Steve and I faced off in the North Notts Palais des Jeux with our High Elves and dwarfs for 2000 points of Warhammer.

We rolled up the diagonal deployment scenario and the dwarf host deployed first. Minus their general who was delayed.

Steve had swapped out his Griffon Lord for a spell caster of some sort. He bought the FrostyFlap along again. I was hoping to give it a cannonball to the beak again.

Steve rolled an unholy number of 1s for deployment meaning almost none of his army was on the board.
Inevitably he then rolled a six to steal the first turn and this happened.

My Dwrfs duly trudged forward into a hail of arrows.
Eventually the Warriors managed to charge some Dragon Riders

Meanwhile FrostyFlap and some Reavers swung around the flank.

At this point FrostyFlap once again took a cannonball to the beak.
However he was carrying a 4+ ward save at this point, so shrugged it off.

By now the hammerers had fallen to the Swordmasters - without the general in their ranks they were easy meat.

Frosty ploughed into the crossbowmen...

...and inevitably....

With short warm bodies running out the Lord joined some Thunderers.

And went toe to to with the Elf general - and murdered his face off.

However it was too little too late and bragging rights remain with the pointy-ears.

The scenario plus Steve winning the first turn meant I was always fighting an uphill battle. However, Dwarfs being tough little buggers did mean the end result was a bit closer than it felt at the time.

Hurrah for Warhammer!

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