
Monday, 9 December 2019

Kislevember Kossars

Yes, yes I know it's not Kislevember any more.
But these were finished last month (apart from basing).

These five plus the three from earlier in November mean I can now field a unit of 20 kossars!

So I couldn't resist a unit shot:

I do have some more in the lead pile. However I'm not sure a horde of 30 unarmoured human bowmen with always strikes last great weapons is really made entirely of win.
I suspect I'm better off using them as archers who can maybe give a bloody nose before expiring when charged, rather than a fighty unit that can shoot as well. So I may at some point do another command and a few more to see if I can get two units of 15-20.

On the whole Kislevember was a bit of a wash out. Work was busy and the weather meant even undercoating models was almost impossible. I did finish a unit of Warmaster archers - they just need basing which I'll try and do this week. I have also started some Horse Archers.


  1. Impressive weapons and wonderful job!

  2. Always a great blog to read. A friend of mine is trying to sway me back to warhammer fantasy. Looking at 6th edition. Any thoughts on this version?

    1. Thank you.
      I think if one of you has a preference then you should play that version. They all have their flaws but all give a good game (except 3rd IMO - a huge unwieldy mass of a game only loved through rose tinted glasses).
      TBH we say we play 8th, but actually we play a game based on 8th but with loads of half remembered rules from previous editions because actually looking stuff up or learning things properly is hard work. :)
