
Monday, 11 November 2019

Warhammer Triumph and Treachery

It was Stephen's birthday. So we celebrated like manly men by playing soldiers and drinking beer!
We had roped Spandex in (he's moved down to Surrey, so has gone all Brexity and pronounces castle with an R) and Kenton. From Lenton.
1200 points with 300 points of allies seems to be about the sweet spot for an entire day's worth of drinking gaming.
I took Empire with Kislev allies.

Spandex had Empire with Ogre allies.

Kenton had filthy Wood Elves with some Bretonnian knghts

And Birthday boy took Dwarfs with Empire allies.

I won't try and explain what happened in too much detail. Mainly because I can't remember too much detail. Suffice to say much banterous bargaining, influencing, threatening and alliance forging went on. And drinking.

The wood elves, whilst claiming wholeheartedly to be my reliable and trustworthy friends began by marching not one, but two treemen towards my forces.

My pistoliers galloped out to "scout" out the Empire of Spandex.

Who pointed all his guns at the Dwarfish hosts.

More elves and Bretonnians made their way toward my peaceful men.

Spandex fired on the Dwarfs, drawing wrathful response.

I think this image is just in slightly better focus.

The Dwarfs did their work, but a fortuitous ward save kept the Empire General on Death Chicken alive.

Bretonnians, just ambling peacefully and with no malice toward my forces.

And some stag dudes too.

Hold steady men, they claim to come in peace.

See. they Brets are off for a look at the other fight.

The Death Chicken got involved.

Some of the Wood Elves were as ancient as the very Oaks themselves.

At this point we went for  more beer lunch and when we came back my camera started taking weird pictures and for some reason my faculties were slightly impaired and I couldn't work out how to fix it. hence the drop in image quality.

Suddenly I was betrayed. The perfidious Wood Elves attacked my peaceable band!

The Kislevites fled!

The knights decided to sort things out

Same fight, different angle

The death chicken continued to peck the life out of the Imperial allies.

Not one, but two treemen picked on some stout militia fellows.

Same fight, different angle.

The dwarfs began to flatten the Imperial armoury

Followed by taking out the Ogres.

Soon after this - after around eight hours (including a two hour beer lunch break) of fighting, backstabbing, oathbreaking, drinking and swearing the battle drew to a close.

Despite a severe mauling it emerged that the Death Chicken rider was the winner and Spandex had scored a three-peat in games of T&T.

Then we went for a curry (and some Kingfisher)

A great way to spend the day.
Warhammer is still the greatest of all the games.


  1. Great to see a proper warhammer game....does make me think I need to get my collection out again ! Soon

  2. Very cool gaming - figures and terrain look fantastic!
