
Friday, 22 November 2019

Ogre Mawpot

Our game of Triumph and Treachery has got me all excited about Warhammer.
And then I saw this piece of scenery for the Ogres (none of that stupid Age of S***mar spelling here, thankyouverymuch) and decided I had to have it.
Fortunately at around the same time some shares money from Games Workshop dropped through my letterbox. Don't worry kids, I'll squander most of the rest on historical miniatures.
And so, armed with cash I rushed out to buy one during a lunchtime in Sheffield. Only to discover it wasn't available in the store there.
Fortunately I live in Nottingham so was able to drive over to Warhammer World and pick one up on Saturday.
Then like an over-excited kid I stuck it together as soon as I got home.

Lovely chunky piece of kit, and being digitally designed it goes together like a dream. Unlike the Ork Stompa I started a while ago (or some of the Renedra kits).
It doesn't appear to have anything specifically AoS on it, so it'll be ideal for me to use as a piece of scenery.
It comes with some rules that I think I'll adapt for WFB - basically +1 to cast and dispel if you're stood near it, plus a cool mechanic for regenerating nearby units, and then refilling if you murder characters in challenges.

Looking forward to painting it (as soon as the bloody rain stops and I can get it undercoated.

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