
Saturday, 28 September 2019


Stephen has decreed that the Sherwood, Hucknall and Ilkeston Team shall all play the new skirmish flavour de nos jours: WarCry
Stephen doesn't like skirmish games (such as WarCry)
Stephen doesn't like the Age of Sigmar setting (where WarCry is set)
Nor does Stephen like the use of cards (such as those in WarCry)
Turns out he also doesn't like having these apparent contradictions pointed out.

So anyway we decided to play.
I haven't got any soldiers because unlike Stephen I refuse to compromise my implacable and entirely reasonable hatred of all things Age of Sigmar.
So he lent me some Green Fighty Men. I wondered why, as they were so obviously Khorne they weren't red.
General Ballroom cheated and took some Age of Sigmar Ghosts.
They look like this:

According to Stephen all the WarCry forces are nicely balanced, then the game has been ruined before it began by including broken Age of Sigmar forces such as Ghosts.

Then we played and it looked like this

I won.
Which was nice.
Its alright. Funny little skirmish game.

However Stephen and General B have trapped me by purchasing the Cool Crow dudes for the game as a birthday present. I had foolishly said I liked the models. So now I'll have to play it some more. I think, as I didn't actually buy the models myself this is OK and doesn't contradict my implacable and entirely reasonable hatred of all things Age of Sigmar.

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