
Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Battle of Magh Tuireadh at Hereward (1)

James very kindly invited me to help him and Martin stage his re-fight of the battle of Magh Tuireadh (or Moytura as it is Anglicised) between the Clets and the Fomorians at the Hereward wargames show in Peterborough.

We had a splendid time playing the game and it looked amazing with James great scenery cloth (made from Sherpa fleece - who knew Sherpas were so hairy?) and big collection of Celts and Fomorians. I contributed but a few stands of Celts and some hastily painted (and very electric blue) Fomorians. All the rest, including the scenery is James' work.

The rules we used were James own that he's developed to enable us to scale up a bit from games of Of Gods and Mortals to something more akin to a full blown mythical ancient battle complete with heroes and gods.

The bulk of the Celts are from the Northstar range sculpted by Roy Eastland, and the Fomorians are a mix of Alternative Armies models with some Northstar thrown in for good measure.

I took loads of pictures, so this post will unfold over several days...

1 comment:

  1. Nice looking game. Great to see a bit of Celtic Mythos out there.
