
Monday, 19 August 2019

Partizan 2019

I went to Partizan yesterday.
Unburdened by anyone else and with no game to help out with I just wandered around, spent some money and caught up with a few people, including Mr and Mrs Scrivs who were over from the States on a flying visit.

I took lots of pictures, here's a few of the generic ones where I only took a couple of shots of the game.

Always like a Star Fort I do.

A splendid NWF (I think) game, complete with square.

I liked this Chain of Command game.

No idea about this one, but sure is pretty.

Again, no real idea, sorry.

Back of Beyond stuff

The Lardies game (during a lull)

Napoleonic something or other.

Sharp Practice Romans v Celts

Big Ol' Pacific Game

Peterborough gamers 15mm Normandy game

Massive Peninsular Napoleonic game.

Finally (for now) the swag.

Couple more Coritani wells - I plan to do the reverse of the ones I painted earlier in the year - a grey well and a sandy trough.
Some barricades and scatter for WW2.
New paintbrushes
Lord Flash from WI
Some Russian Brown paint from Coat d'Arms for more DAK variety.

And last, but by no means least...

The Partizan environmentally friendly tote bag.
I think this was a brilliant initiative by the Partizan team - look forward to other shows follwing suit and trying to cut down on single use plastics.

1 comment:

  1. Great to see you there, I missed many of these games as I spent most of the day chatting with folks.
