
Saturday, 1 June 2019

Warhammer Orcs v Skaven

Steve and I are still happily enjoying plenty of proper Warhammer. 8th edition - hordes, square bases. Manly stuff.

I fettled another scenario based on the ones in the book One Hour Wargames.
Steve deployed in a village, I enetered from behind a river and we were both racing for a hill.
I also tried a new random game length mechanic. I say "new" but it' stolen from Peter Pig's Square Bashing rules. After each turn roll a D6 - when the total reaches 24 the game ends. I figured on average this should result in a 7 turn game, but there would be a bit less certainty.

It turned out the river was necrotic ooze. Whic was somewhat less than idea. Anyway the greenskins splashed over.

Steve had parked a big gribbly to block the bridge.

And he had a Plague Furnace.

The Orc general failed his animosity test, which rather stalled the race across the ford.

I unleashed fanatics at the Abomination. They missed.

Inevitable the big things on both sides squared off

In the middle of a necrotic river.

The chariots made it unharmed across the river and thundered into the Furnace.

The Squig rider bounced across and in to the woods.

He should have had help but the boarboys took casualties in the river then took more casualties as they charged into the woods. Then failed their panic test and ran back into the river. Where they took more causalties.

However the squig saw off the skirmishing rats, then overran into the flank of the Rat Ogres.

To my surprise the giant saw off the Abomination.

Finally the Orc advance began.

Another shot of the boarboys sinking beneath the ooze.

The ratty horde headed for the hill.

Splash, splash, splash.

The chariots actually survived to a second turn of fighting!

The Trolls and Orcs closed on the mostly unharmed rat hordes.

At this point Steve rolled his fourth straight six for the turn end and the game finished after just four turns!

Victory to the Skaven who had possession of the hill.

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