
Friday, 7 June 2019

Skeletons for Of Gods and Mortals

When James bought his son over at the weekend (I think I'm doing very well to not refer to him as Morris Minor) he asked if I had any skeletons. I think James figured I was pretty much bound to have some given my long GW history. However I've only ever painted a single unit of Tomb Kings skellies many years ago that I think I donated to the Studio playtest cabinet (as I was never going to do a whole undead army).
However, not wishing to let young Master Morris down (he's very enthusiastic about Greek Myth and Jason and the Argonuts, so I understood the wish for dead 'uns) I asked Steve if he had any I could borrow. Weirdly Tomb Kings is pretty much the only army Steve doesn't have. he has Vampire Counts but the latter day GW VC skeletons are rather too western for Greek mythology.

Fortunately, and inevitably, Steve did have some (assembled but unpainted) skeletons, from the original GW Skeleton boxed set stuffed into the back of his cabinet, so he forced them on me. Thanks, mate.

Good job skellies are quick and easy to paint. I replaced the assorted hand weapons with some Northstar steel spears. Then white spray, various brown washes and a good drybrush later they were ready for Young Master Morris to field in our game.

I have now prevailed upon General Ballroom to let me have some of his spare plastic hopilite shields so I can Greekify the spear lads a little more.

1 comment:

  1. Superb! There is something timeless about an armed skeleton.
