
Sunday, 30 June 2019

Gripping Beast plastic Vikings

Finally added some shields and bases to these (and painted a few more while I was at it) to start off the mortal element of my Viking Of Gods and Mortals factions.

The longer I own these models the less I like them.
Also the shield transfers were a bind and all needed quite heavy over-painting
But they're "done" now.
Apart from the fact that I need to paint another one to get two units of 8.


  1. Nice job, but I'd have to say the Victrix Vikings look to be the very best quality now; and put the Gripping Beast models to shame. I too have the GB ones, and liked the detail at the time but felt the posing was limited and in placed kinda awkward. If it was a period I got any play out of at present I may well consider upgrading to Victrix...

  2. Absolutely agree. I think these are not great models, all bow legged and awkwardly posed. Were I to start a serious Viking army now I'd definitely go Victrix, but as I already had these and only need a few for OGAM they'll do just fine.
