
Thursday, 7 March 2019

Of Gods and Mortals Celts (Mortals)

Having shown off the Gods and Legends here's the current state of play with the mortals for our Irish mythological games of Of Gods and Mortals.

First up some horses for Epona.

They're the Irregular Shire Horses again. It's a shame there's only one pose, however some paint variations minimises the effect a bit.

Horses without "furniture" or tack are surprisingly hard to come by.
Eureka miniatures make some very nice ones but they're in Australia and their British stockist rather gloomily replied that he wouldn't be getting any more stock in "this side of Brexit".
Now we see the real price this country is going to pay for Boris writing lies on the side of a bus!
Black Scorpion used to make some stallions, but I couldn't find them in stock anywhere (I think all their riders have integral saddles so the horses are "tack free", but they don't seem to sell them separately any more).
Great Escape has a couple, which I was going to get, however the Irregular ones were more "shaggy iron age" and also about half the price (at £1.30 each versus 2 for £5).

Next up are the Celt warriors, which I've shown before but now have had shields added to most of them.

Two units of regular Celts and a unit of armoured nobles.

I'll probably add some skirmishers soon (if I can lay hands on some of the Gripping Beast Dark Age plastic slings for conversions) and I'd like to add some cavalry as well (Epona you see).

Anyway, here's a mortals group shot.

What next for the Celts? Well I think I need another god - Nuada of the Silver Arm perhaps and maybe some chariots too.
I'm also still hoping Nick Northstar will bring out the "Slaine" Celts he showed off a few months ago...


  1. These look great Tom, well done.

    I'm dead keen to get my hands on those Celts as well!

  2. Thanks Kevin
    Nick Eyre confirmed the Celts will be coming out "as soon as they've caught up with existing casting"
