
Saturday, 16 February 2019

Warhammer 8th Edition Orcs v Dwarfs

A free Sunday meant Steve and I could play The Best Wargame Ever - Warhammer.
He took Orcs (just Orcs, no filthy gobbos) and I took Dwarfs.

We played the basic battle line, line up and run at each other scenario

Steve had boarboys and a chariot on one flank.

I figured hammerers and longbeards could sort them out

Meanwhile Clansdwarfs and quarrellers would hold the hill on my right.

The Arrer boys immediately failed an animosity test. Irritatingly they ran forward to get in to range.

The firepower on the hill didn't really thin out the onrushing hordes.

The Longbeards prepared to meet the savage Orcs.

Lots of shooting had rather thinned out the hammerers.

The boys crashed in to the clan warriors.

The Savage Orcs failed their charge, so the longbeards took advantage.

The hammerers dealt with the cavalry but all died in the process. Fortunately Lord Throndin was still rampaging about.

Having dealt with the Arrer Boys (who failed their test and fled) he was charged by the crossbows (who had failed their animosity test)

Look, Arrer Boys in full flight.

The Clan Dwarfs were hanging on grimly (as dwarfs like to do) despite the attention of some savages with bows.

Throndin decided to help out the longbeards ( despite their protestations that they were doing fine and didn't need a hand)

And the quarrellers went to help the warriors.

The savage Orcs wiped out the Longbeards before Throndin could get there. So he duffed them up and made them flee.

But he closed in on them.

The Orc warboss escaped the massacre of the warriors and decided to go pick on the Organ gun.

But it was all too little, too late. Throndin murdered the savage Orcs to death and the battle belonged to the Dwarfs!

Warboss Ginganutz was annoyed but powerless.

A great fun game. At first it looked like the Dwarfs would be overwhelmed. But some stubborn defence (do dwarfs do any other kind?) turned the tables. Plus Throndin's unstoppable rampage against the Orc right flank helped immeasurably

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