
Wednesday, 20 February 2019


A few Orks have dropped off the Waaagh Gruzzkupp production line

A Black Reach 'Eavy Shooter boy (I now have too many of these to actually be able to use without painting ten more boys).

Same model from a (very) marginally different angle.

Aother Loota. I can now field a unit of five.

And finally a Weirdboy.

I can barely see the difference between these two pictures.

A conversion using an Orc boy body, head and spear arm. The other arm is from the Stompa set I think and the copper "halo" is Ork shoulder pads.
I seem to remember reading once that Weirdboys always took the skull of the previous weirdboy and used it in their magic, so it made sense to stick an Ork skull on top of the pole.
Pretty happy with him


  1. Excellent! They look like they pack a punch!

  2. Sadly looks can be deceptive - they were of no use last night! (Freshly Painted Model Syndrome) :)
