
Sunday, 6 January 2019

Of Gods and Mortals - Celtic Cattle Raid

James came over to the Sherwood Soldier Shack for a game of OGAM using the Celts he's been painting.

We're going to be running games at Hammerhead in March so it makes sense to maybe practice a bit. Also James has been painting lots of new Celtic figures of various sorts so we wanted to get some of them on the table.
Before we began I took the chance to grab a few pictures of James' models.

He's painted an alternate version of the Morrigan.

And the Dagda.

And a couple of giants

This is an older Celtic chariot re-purposed for OGAM

This was my force. We wanted to give the Dagda a try. He looks pretty meaty on paper (C5!) but we decided to go with him as written. I also took a chariot (we wanted to give the rules for them in the Celt book a try too) a giant (we made him a hero rather than a mortal unit), some Celt warriors, a hero and a pack of hounds.

James took the Morrigan, a hero on foot and one in a chariot, along with Maeve two lots of warriors (one in armour) and some peasant boys with slings.

The scenario required me to get some cattle off the edge of the board for a win. So I set up my first unit ready to start driving the cows home for dinner.

The giant prepared to take out the hero.

Early on our chariots were involved in a minor road traffic incident. However as the resulting combat was a draw both heroes were immediately wiped out!

The giant charged into the enemy hero and another drawn tie saw my second hero die on only my second turn. The enemy hero was wearing armour and so survived!

In the centre the evil Morrigan caused the warriors to Tremble Before Her Might. Which seemed harsh.

Fortunately the Dagda used his Bard ability to allow them to throw off the awe in short order.

However while they were busy trembling the Morrigan nipped off with the cows and handed them over to the armoured warriors.

James' hero along with Mavis decided to give the dogs a good kicking.

A plan that was very much helped when the Morrigan rushed over and plagued both dogs and warriors - killing rather too many.

Fed up of seeing his followers slaughtered the Dagda ran over to give the Morrigan a slap. Banishing her from the mortal realm and causing the Celtic slinger boys to sling their hook.
However swift prayers by the warriors soon saw her back.

My hero went over to ask for his cows back from the warriors

And some fighting broke out.

Eventually I was able to make a break for the border with cows in tow.

The Dagda, meanwhile was trying to exact vengeance for the death of all his dogs (bar one). Unfortunately he kept rolling a one for hammering blow, which meant James' hero could try and free hack him!

Just as it looked like my hero might make off with the cows The Morrigan transformed into a crow, flew across the board an then materialised in front of him!

Which allowed the pursing warriors to catch up. The reulting struggle saw the Morrigan dispatch the mighty fellow and with that the game was up.

I really enjoyed playing this. James' models look brilliant and OGAM makes for a really fun game. I wish I played more often as it always takes me the first part of the game to remember how everything works ("oh yeah, unsupported heroes get killed real quick!") and I don't remember most of the special rules until it's too late!

I've got some more Celts in the painting queue to try and finish this week.

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